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Custom Toy Portraits
“Feelix at the Farm” for Abby
“Feelix at the Farm” for Abby, a...
“Camila” for Sophia
“Camila” for Sophia – a...
“Hundy” for Liz
“Hundy” for Liz – a...
“Rabbie” for Dena
“Rabbie” for Dena, a grownup
Dena’s husband Adam ordered a toy...
“Blankie” for Henry
“Blankie” for Henry, age 5
Henry’s mom, Carrie, was one of my very...
“Little Corn and Princess”
“Little Corn and Princess”
Grown-up Chen commissioned this painting for her...
Blankie and Candy for Bess
Blankie and Candy
for Bess, age 8
Bess’s two favorite things in the world are her...
“Pengui” for Marlowe
“Pengui” for Marlowe
Pretty sure this is the cutest stuffed animal I have...
“Coco” for Stella
“Coco” for Stella
Stella’s awesome mom commissioned me to do portraits...
“Princess and Comanche” for Molly
“Princess and Comanche” for Molly, age...
“Teddy and Grandma’s Pillow” for Henry
“Teddy and Grandma’s Pillow” for Henry, age...
“Ariel and Blankie” for Cecelia
“Ariel and Blankie” for Cecelia, age...
Sabrina’s Toys
“Sabrina’s Toys”
for Sabrina, age 4
Two firsts for me in this sweet...
“The Blablas” for Aaron
“Ducki” for Noah
“Ducki” for...
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